Sunday, July 5, 2020

The Roles Women have Played in Media Research Paper - 550 Words

The Roles Women have Played in Media (Essay Sample) Content: Women and MediaNameInstitutionDateTopicWomen and Media The American culture is predominantly saturated by propagated messages of mass media. The authors of the newspapers created the messages to encourage consumerism. In the early 50s, mass media created a negative perception about women. The negative messages catalyze negative feelings among women. Mass media majorly influences the audience; and people feel that advertising affects the stature of women in society. However, if I had a chance for an interview in a media house, there are several perceptions that are disgusting and media should stop using such stereotypes. The stereotypes create a negative attitude in the public about women and thus imply that women lived under pressure in the 50s. The 1950s society geared towards family issues. The media over concentrated on family discussions though the authors in print media highlighted several stereotypes about life. The society believed that the existence of nuclea r family made the Americans more superior to the Communists. The media used several propagandas to appreciate the effect of adopting a nuclear family (Gill, 2007). The media depicted American woman dressed in gunnysacks with their children in anonymous day care. The representation of the American women with delicate dress and hairdos demeans their abilities. The 1950s women live under pressures of living as a wife and I feel the propaganda devalues their abilities and vision. I also feel that women can comfortably live a single life and stay a happy life. The depiction of children in day care presents the 1950 woman as a caregiver. The media lacks knowledge that women can use their abilities to change the world than just stay at home as caregivers. More so, media does not find any positive attribute among women. It depicts women as workers with poor dresses. I think the modern women have a right to choose her dressing style, and demeaning women to the level of workers kills morale t o developing economy of U.S. Women have shown that they can be successful through personal initiatives and business and do not rely on employment as a source of income. According to Douglas (2010), women in 1950 were supposed to get married at a tender age of 19 years. They were responsible for raising a family and most of the brides were pregnant in their first seven months after the wedding. More so, women were supposed to give birth to more than one child. In the 1950s, large families were typical and held certain stature and respect. The mothers were supposed to take care of the home and media idealized the issue of domesticity. The society considered women who chose to work as selfish. Such women did not care about the needs of the families and considered their personal gains at the expense of the families. I think media depicted women as objects of raising children. The only role that women could satisfy the society was by giving birth to several kids. The media reports portr ayed a negative impression about the conservative women. However, I object to the way women were treated especially as tools of giving birth. Despite giving birth, the society did not appreciate their roles as ...

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