Monday, December 30, 2019

A Career as a Mahtematical Engineering - 1535 Words

A person must be creative and mathematically headed to work as a mechanical engineer. He has to be creative enough to come up with solutions to new and pressing problems in their field. He has to be able to work out plans and manufacture never-before-seen devices to solve new challenges presented by innovation. The schooling for mechanical engineering is mainly focused on science and math principles. The University of Texas at Austin offers a great program to train mechanical engineers in the tools, technology, skills, and duties of their profession. The University of Texas (UT) has the tenth ranked engineering school in the nation. To get automatic acceptance into UT, a person needs to be ranked in the top eight to ten percent of their class. However someone can be accepted into UT without being in the top eight to ten percent of his or her class. He needs certain scores and grades. To be accepted into UT without automatic acceptance, a person needs to have a GPA of around 3.82 or h igher (Naviance). A student also needs to take the SAT and ACT tests. For a single SAT 2400 test, a student will need a score of at least 1921. For the ACT test, a student needs to score a minimum of a 29, the highest score a student can get on the ACT is a 36 (Naviance). To be accepted by either automatic acceptance or through GPA and test scores, he must have completed a certain amount of courses in high school. The student must have four full credits in English courses, and three in

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Pursuing a Degree in Criminal Justice Essay - 1754 Words

Today our world is filled with crime. The people committing these crimes must have a consequence for their illegal actions. The system in place to keeping everything fair and safe is called the criminal justice system. This was put in place to ensure there is fairness and justice served to people who break the laws set up by the government. Criminal justice is one of the most important majors one can study due to the necessity to keep the streets safe and clean. From street cops, to state troopers all the way to criminal psychologists the criminal justice system is a very important part of modern society as it keeps us safe from murders, rapists and various other criminals. The street cops are the ones that are out on our streets†¦show more content†¦One of these exams is to be taken as a part of Sophomore Seminar, and the other as a part of Senior Seminar (5). There are a total of fifteen required courses in order to be a criminal justice major which include Juvenile Justic e (CJ203), Criminology ( SO410), and Race and Ethnic Relations (SO205). There are also a total of nine electives three of which must be taken. In order to pursue a minor, there are seven courses which must be taken and one research course from a list of three. As with any major you must maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA in order to receive a degree. The Criminal Justice System is a set of legal and social institutions used to enforce a defined set of rules limitations (3). This system in the United States is divided into three subsections: Federal, State, and Military. Each states criminal justice department is then divided again into separate juvenile and adult systems (3). The system begins when the crime is committed and observed which leads to an investigation and arrest here the accused enters the system. The first step is after the arrest is made the criminal is held in jail until they can go to Criminal court, this usually happens within twenty four hours of the arrest unless it’s a weekend. In that case the trial will be held on Monday. While the prisoner is waiting for trial they get brought to central booking where their fingerprints and photograph are taken. At this timeShow MoreRelatedWhy I Want to Be a Police Officer Essay808 Words   |  4 PagesWHY I WANT TO BE A POLICE OFFICER Why I Want To Be a Police Officer Career Choices in Criminal Justice Dr. Darwin L. Driggers, Ybor Campus October 11, 2011 Why I Want To Be a Police Officer For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a police officer. I’m sure, as a little boy, what first caught my attention were the flashing lights and sirens on the police cars. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Dystopian High Rise Free Essays

Dystopian High Rise The novel ‘High Rise’ written by J. G. Ballard focuses on a massive forty story apartment building that houses thousands of people. We will write a custom essay sample on Dystopian High Rise or any similar topic only for you Order Now Anthony Royal, who is the architect of the apartment, designed the building with shops, a school, swimming pools, and enough space to accommodate an overwhelming amount of people. Ballard does not write the plot of ‘High Rise’ in an attempt to illustrate the urban possibilities of modern innovations or future novelties of our evolving world. Ballard expresses how a newly designed building that seems as though it is a well thought out idea of a safe haven can turn into a dystopian underworld. A dystopian society is the idea of a community of people that live in miserable conditions of life, characterized by disease, pollution, oppression, war, violence, poverty, and the classism of systematic discrimination based on sex, age, or IQ. The tower in the novel houses the vision of a dystopia through the fictional characters depicted, and how the building is the agent that pushes the society within to turn into a felonious world. Through the eyes of medical school lecturer Dr. Robert Laing, we see how minor altercations between floors quickly escalate into anarchy, harsh violence, rape, and murder. Laing is eventually dragged into the lifestyle of the tower. Since everything for essential living is located within the tower, such as shops and swimming pools, Dr. Laing has no need to leave the building other than going to work. This entrapment in the building of many residents is the cause of this anarchic activity. The building is a small vertical city (Ballard 15). Within the introduction of the novel, Laing states, that even being two miles from the city, the building that he resides in feels as if the tower were in a different world, in time and as well as space (Ballard 15). The high-rise in turn becomes an alternate world separating the people living inside from the real city giving them the higher chances of confrontation. What we perceive as development through the creation of a structure that can work independently for the common wellness of society, comes with a price to pay. With all social classism in the world, the High Rise becomes a part of the dreadful tradition. Ballard’s dystopia is divided into three classes: upper, middle, and lower class. The upper portion, floors 36 to 40, of the building is where the upper class resides in, this includes the architect Anthony Royal. The middle class’ subdivision, Where Dr. Laing lives, is located from the 10th floor to the 35th floor, from the 10th floor swimming pool to the 35th floor restaurant deck. The swimming pool on floor 10 clearly formed the boundary for everyone under that floor, the lower class residents. The lower class is subjected to faulty maintenance where they go for days without electricity and air conditioning. The residents soon find themselves in a ‘Lord of the Flies’ state of emergency where the different classes and levels of the tower are at war. Works Cited Ballard, J. G. High Rise. New York: Liveright, 2012. Print. How to cite Dystopian High Rise, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Timken Museum Of Art Essay Research Paper free essay sample

Timken Museum Of Art Essay, Research Paper TIMKEN MUSUEM OF ART The Timken Museum of Art has its roots in the coinciding San Diego Relationship between two sisters, the Misses Anne R. and Amy Putnam, members of the Timken household of the Timken roller bearing hoarded wealth, and a local lawyer, Walter Ames. The flush Putnam sisters arrived in San Diego in the early 1900s from Vermont, accompanied by their aged parents and preceded by a millionaire uncle, Henry Putnam. The two sisters neer were married, exhausted decennaries obtaining Old Masters. Initial pictures were donated to San Diego s Fine Arts Gallery. Later, the sisters acquisitions remained in their ownership and were loaned to esteemed establishments around the state. Following, lawyer Walter Ames appears on the scene in 1950, assisting the Putnam sisters set up the non-profit-making Putnam Foundation, and subsequently procuring the fiscal support of the of the Timken household to construct the TIMKEN ART GALLERY which is now known as the TIMKEN MUSEUM OF ART. We will write a custom essay sample on Timken Museum Of Art Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In 1965 the Putnam s convenient art aggregation came back place and was hung in its lasting quarters on the Prado in Balboa Park, and the Timken officially opened on October 1 of that twelvemonth. Today, the Timken aggregation is comprised of 126 plants of art, preponderantly pictures augmented by little retentions in sculpture and embellished art objects. The works consist of three distinguishable aggregations: European Masters, Russian Icons and American Artists. Each aggregation boasts alone and invaluable representations of the specific genre. In the European Masters aggregation, Rembrandt s Saint Bartholomew is the lone picture by that Dutch creative person on show at any museum in San Diego! First, allow us take a expression at the celebrated picture, Our Lady Of Jerusalem. It is a 17th century panel picture of poster paint and gold on wood. The colourss are of dark sunglassess and really small background. I like how the Virgin s caput is highlighted with a darker shadiness of gold than the background. The gold foliage has been burnished and tooled with punched designs in the aura of the Virgin, the cosmetic pastiglia in the corner, and the flat of the panel along the arch above the Virgin. The concluding beds of pigment have been applied. The blouse of the Virgin shows the scraffito , grating off of the pigment bed to uncover bright gold below, design and punching. The hems of the Virgin’s robe and the shock absorbers on the floor are acute gilded. Besides I like how in a reticent and graceful gesture, the Virgin inclines her caput toward Christ seated on her arm. Second, we have the Portrait of a Lady in a Green Dress. An oil on oak panel about 1530, by Bartolomeo Veneto. Bartolomeo was a northern Italian painter, a indigen of Venice, who specialized in portrayals of abundantly dressed figures, peculiarly adult females. The creative person signed many of his plants and in this panel his signature appears on the cartellino attached to the heavy ruby-colored drape. I noticed that the Sitter is have oning a peddling baseball mitt on her right manus, although European hawkers traditionally carried their hawks on the left manus. Possibly the Sitter was left-handed. I particularly like the dark background with minute visible radiation. This draws most of your attending to the light shading of the face and cervix. The elaborate lines of the frock and the shoulders of the frock are singular. Besides there is huge usage of texture and form for the frock. Third, I enjoyed the picture called, Lovers in a park by Francois Boucher. It is a 16th century oil canvas. Francois Boucher is the most successful painter of his clip. This picture is elegant and cosmetic. I like the blue sky shading in the background. He besides has a small foreground including the enumerated trees. The attending span was the manner he made the ruins notional and nice to look at. The looks on the figures faces were soft and pleasant. Last, I enjoyed the 18th century oil canvas called the Fall Landscape by Jasper Cropsey. Cropsey s native artistic abilities were rapidly recognized by his employers and he was encouraged to work in water-colors and oils. He completed his class of survey and by 1843 was a practicing designer and creative person. I peculiarly like landscapes that portray nature. This is my favourite. I like the soft glorious and superb colourss of the trees. I enjoy how the sunshine somewhat beams its manner through the clouds and brilliantly radiances on the H2O. He has shown background and foreground in the picture. There is besides usage of lines for the trees and indicating forms for the mountains.